8 DAYS is an intensive encounter for Canadian choreographers. Initiated in 2012, the gathering occurs annually just before the summer solstice. The project situates peer-to-peer exchange as crucial to the continued relevance of the art form; theory and practice, talking and making, doing and reflecting, are understood as interwoven threads of creative development. 8 DAYS takes seriously the importance of time outside the pressures of production-driven work to create space, to reflect on one’s current practice and to envision – through dialogue, experimentation, and feisty conviviality – new artistic possibilities.

From 2012-2016 8 DAYS was co-hosted and coordinated by Public Recordings in collaboration with its participants and a range of national partners.

8 DAYS was held at la B.A.R.N. on Lac Leslie in the Pontiac Region of Quebec, from June 16 – 24, 2012. It was hosted and supported by 10 Gates Dancing Inc. and Public Recordings. 
Participants: Justine A. Chambers, Claudia Fancello, Marie Claire Forté, Ame Henderson, Benjamin Kamino, Davida Monk, Tedd Robinson, Stephen Thompson, Michael Trent.

8 DAYS II was held at ten fifteen maple and The Dance Centre from August 10-18, 2013. It was hosted by Justine A. Chambers and Public Recordings, and received support from the Canada Council for the Arts, Public Recordings, The Dance Centre and ten fifteen maple. Participants: Naomi Brand, Justine A. Chambers, Karine Denault, Claudia Fancello, Marie Claire Forté, Caroline Gravel, Ame Henderson, Christopher House, Davida Monk, Andrew Tay, Stephen Thompson, Michael Trent, Laurie Young

8 DAYS III was held at Artscape Gibraltar Point from June 16-24, 2014. It was hosted by Public Recordings, and received support from the Canada Council for the Arts, Artscape Gibraltar Point, Toronto Dance Theatre and 10 Gates Dancing Inc. Participants: Martin Bélanger, Naomi Brand, Justine A. Chambers, Karine Denault, Claudia Fancello, Marie Claire Forté, Caroline Gravel, Ame Henderson, Christopher House, Benjamin Kamino, Jennifer Mascall, Freya Olafson, Bee Pallomina, Tedd Robinson, Andrew Tay, Stephen Thompson, Michael Trent, Peter Trosztmer, Katie Ward, Laurie Young.

8 DAYS IV was held at Artscape Gibraltar Point from June 14-23, 2015. It was hosted by Public Recordings and received support from the Canada Council for the Arts, Artscape Gibraltar Point, Public Recordings and Mascall Dance. Participants: Jacinte Armstrong, Naomi Brand, Karine Denault, Marie Claire Forté, Caroline Gravel, Ame Henderson, Adam Kinner, Christopher House, Johanna Householder, Benjamin Kamino, Liz Kinoshita, Jennifer Mascall, Nicole Mion, Freya Olafson, Bee Pallomina, Thea Patterson, Andrew Tay, Michael Trent, Peter Trosztmer, Katie Ward, Laurie Young.

Research / residency (2012-)